Quarterly Income Trader

By Dr. Adrian Manz

Services / Quarterly Income Trader

A unique algorithm does all the work here so you can spend a trivial amount of time trading this swing strategy.

Never, in history, has the term “so easy a child can do it” been more true. Each month Adrian will give you 3 to 5 stocks on a Sunday evening. We hold these stocks for 3 months and sell. We do this monthly so after 3 months you’ll be buying and selling a new batch every month.

Trade Alerts

Each month Adrian alerts a small batch of stocks to buy (usually 3, sometimes 5) and hold for 3-months. Along with the buy alerts come the sell alerts to ensure you get out of the previous quarter’s batch.

Model Portfolio

Adrian keeps track of all of the trades in a model portfolio. You’ll be able to see when they were bought and at what price, when they were sold and at what price, and what portion of the portfolio was allocated to each.



