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Refund Policies

Premium Services

When you purchase any of our premium services (including: Around The Horn, Nasdaq Scalper, First Hour Trading Pit, Fast Ball XRV Premium Membership, Forgotten Profits, Inside Value Trader) all payments made to and/or Peterson/Manz Trading, Inc. (Company) in connection with any service purchased, and any renewal thereof, are non-refundable; and Company does not offer, and is not required to provide, any refunds or credits for any reason, including, without limitation, satisfaction or your failure to cancel your account or service prior to its automatic renewal. There is no circumstance in which you will be entitled to, or Company is required to provide, a refund or credit for any reason, including, without limitation, satisfaction or your failure to cancel your account or service prior to its automatic renewal.

Free Trial Periods

Some of our products and services come with a free trial period. In this case, you must cancel your subscription before the first payment posts to avoid the charge. Once the trial period is over and the first payment has been made, there are no refunds on this payment but again, you may cancel your subscription at any time to avoid future payments.

Paid Trial Periods

Some of our products and services come with a paid trial period. In this case, the initial payment for the trial period in non-refundable. If you do not like the service for any reason you may cancel within the trial period to avoid any further charges.  Once the trial period is over and the first payment has been made, there are no refunds on this payment but again, you may cancel your subscription at any time to avoid future payments.

Educational Products

We offer no refunds on our education products. These include: Ultimate Guide – Stock Trading like a Pro, Stock Trading 101, Stock Trading 201, Trading Opening Gaps, Books, and Income Trading Academy.


We offer no refunds on payments made towards attending an event. This includes the Income Trader’s Boot Camp.