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If you are interested in the logic, discipline, and psychology that make a successful trader, then my recent seminar for the Women Teach Trading series should be right up your alley.

This is a seminar for traders.  It’s not aimed at women.  It’s definitely from a woman’s perspective, and as half of a husband-and-wife trading team, I can tell you that adopting many of the ideas I discuss can spell the difference between success and failure.

Everyone is interested in strategy, so I picked some of our favorites to get traders interested.  I talked about trading gaps, volatility bands, and big momentum movers that can add excitement to the trading day.  All of the discussion is against the backdrop of what is required in terms of psychology and discipline in order to execute the trades correctly.

If you understand the logic but have trouble with the discipline and emotions that are part of this business, then this seminar will be “just what the doctor ordered.”

I hope you enjoy it!

Good Trading,

Julie Manz, Ph.D.

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If you’re ready to elevate your trading, join us for Super-Vol-Sunday on April 23, 2023 – Live or Live Stream from Las Vegas, NV.