Exit half of PetSmart put

This is just a suggestion. If you’re happy with current gains on the PETM October 70 put, sell to close just half of the position now.  Hold the second half a bit longer. Hold all open positions… and be sure to look for newer trades shortly. As the market loses...

Buy a basket of builders

Consider these trades higher risk. The Street absolutely hates these stocks right now.  The blood is flowing in the streets.  Fear has reached epic levels. But according to Baron Rothschild and Warren Buffett, that’s exactly when you want to buy. You see, as much as...

Exit silver put… and more

When we picked up the SLV September 20 put on July 1, it traded at just 60 cents.  These now trade at 90 cents.  We knew the ETF was over-extended at historical resistance, where it failed and pulled back.  Instead of risking this gain to a potential bounce, we’re...

Exit GoPro calls now

We’re not big fans of trading earnings, especially with a $5 billion camera stock just pumped on CNBC with $60 price targets. So, we’re recommending that you sell to close the second half of the GPRO October 43 call right now for up to 82% gains. Hold the put side of...

Exit half of BBBY August 60 Calls

As hoped, Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) popped beautifully off the lows.  Our BBBY August 60 calls – first picked up on June 17, 2014 at $2.70 — now trade at $4.20.  That’s good for a 56% gain.  Sell to close just half of the position.  Hold the second half for a bit...