by Ian Cooper | Jul 23, 2014 | Rapid Retirement System, Trade Alerts
Before we get into a new opportunity, we have to get rid of the Himax (HIMX) positions in the portfolio. We can’t look at them any more. This company had such an opportunity with Google Glass… and it just fell apart. If you haven’t done so already, close them out. ...
by Ian Cooper | Jul 21, 2014 | Forgotten Profits, Trade Alerts
With just a “little” bit of geopolitical tension raging, the market has taken pause at an historic top. Russia, Ukraine, Israelis, Palestinians, Middle Eastern folks, and our own economic uncertainties at home have created such chaos the market doesn’t know where to...
by Ian Cooper | Jul 14, 2014 | Forgotten Profits, Trade Alerts
After closing many winners since we launched in December 2013, we do have some positions that are down. We have no worries about them, though… and are continuing to hold all open positions. We’ve been watching Lumber Liquidators (LL) closely after watching it plunge...