by Tim Biggam | Oct 3, 2017 | Forgotten Profits, Rapid Retirement System, Trade Alerts, Trade Alerts
SPY has been up six days in a row, getting overbought on every metric. VIX approaching all time lows, so options are uber cheap. Taking a counter trend bearish put position TRADE IDEA Buy to open SPY October 252.50 puts @ $1.40 These expire 10/20/17... by Tim Biggam | Sep 25, 2017 | Forgotten Profits, Rapid Retirement System, Trade Alerts, Trade Alerts
JPM is dropping sharply along with the rest of the market. Let’s use the weakness to grab a nice gain in about an hour. CLOSE OUT Sell to close JPM October 94 puts @ 2.10 These expire 10/20/2017 by Tim Biggam | Sep 25, 2017 | Forgotten Profits, Rapid Retirement System, Trade Alerts, Trade Alerts
Bank stocks have been on fire even with the yield curve flattening and trading revenues weakening. Let’s use the low levels of implied volatillity to get into some dirt cheap puts for a counter tend trade. TRADE IDEA Buy to open JPM October 94 puts @ 1.75 These... by Tim Biggam | Sep 11, 2017 | Forgotten Profits, Rapid Retirement System, Trade Alerts, Trade Alerts
Markets screamed higher on news that Hurricane Irma wasn’t catastrophic and that North Korea tensions have eased. So not bad news is now good news. Stocks at basically all-time highs and implied volatility (option prices) nearing historic lows. With seasonality... by Tim Biggam | Aug 3, 2017 | Forgotten Profits, Rapid Retirement System, Trade Alerts, Trade Alerts
Tesla just reported earnings that are being extremely well received…perhaps a little too well received. Let’s take a counter trend put position TRADE IDEA Buy to open TSLA August $335 puts at $5.40 These expire 8/18/17 by Tim Biggam | May 22, 2017 | Forgotten Profits, Rapid Retirement System, Trade Alerts, Trade Alerts
Markets are back at all time highs and IV is back near recent lows. Let’s use the opportunity to get back into SPY puts. TRADE IDEA Buy to open SPY July 235 puts @ 2.60 to open These expire 7/ 21/17 by Tim Biggam | May 17, 2017 | Forgotten Profits, Rapid Retirement System, Trade Alerts, Trade Alerts
Today saw the biggest sell off in the market in nine months…VIX exploded as well. Both are a boon to our SPY June 237 puts. Let’s use the weakness to take some nice gains. Enter the order before the open tomorrow. . CLOSE OUT Sell to close SPY June... by Tim Biggam | May 4, 2017 | Forgotten Profits, Rapid Retirement System, Trade Alerts, Trade Alerts
VIX is still well below 11…market looking very toppy after AAPL, FB and TSLA earnings. Oil getting killed. China starting to crack. Let’s buy some cheap puts to play for a pullback. TRADE IDEA Buy to open SPY June 237 puts @ 2.75 These expire...