The Corporate Account Program
The history of the American equities markets has been very much David and Goliath. Traders at big firms are able to move large capital with very little risk capital of their own on the line. These traders have benefitted from deep pockets that recognize talent. The big institutions, hedge funds, high-frequency trading houses, and proprietary trading firms back traders with huge leverage, and take a relatively small percentage of the profits in return. As a private trader, you never have the opportunity to control as much leverage as these lucky traders – until now.
A new Wall Street partnership allows trader coaching customers to trade with firm capital when they purchase one of the packages detailed on this page. Note that each package contains a coaching product, and a refundable trading product – No series 7 or 56 is required. Here’s how it works:
- Bronze Level – Traders who purchase the Bronze Level membership receive a one year subscription to the First Hour Trading Pit. A $500 setup fee for the corporate account is charged by the administrator of the account. $2,500 of refundable risk capital is allocated to the trader’s new membership, and the trader enters the program at the Apprentice 4 level (see inset table).
- Silver Level – Traders who purchase the Silver Level membership receive a one year subscription to the First Hour Trading Pit, Adrian Manz’ Opening Gap trading course, and a one year subscription to Adrian Manz’ Nasdaq Scalper Trading Plan. A $500 setup fee for the corporate account is charged by the administrator of the account. $4,500 of refundable risk capital is allocated to the trader’s new membership, and the trader enters the program at the Apprentice 4 level (see inset table).
- Gold Level – Traders who purchase the Gold Level membership receive a one year subscription to the First Hour Trading Pit, Adrian Manz’ Opening Gap trading course, Adrian Manz’ One Hour Trader course, and a one year subscription to Adrian Manz’ Daily Income Trader Trading Plan. A $500 setup fee for the corporate account is charged by the administrator of the account. $6,500 of refundable risk capital is allocated to the trader’s new membership, and the trader enters the program at the Apprentice 4 level (see inset table).
- Platinum Level – Traders who purchase the Gold Level membership receive a one year subscription to the First Hour Trading Pit, a one year subscription to Adrian Manz’ Daily Income Trader Trading Plan, Opening Gap trading course, Adrian Manz’ One Hour Trader course, and full online access to Adrian Manz’ Income Trading Academy. A $500 setup fee for the corporate account is charged by the administrator of the account. $9,500 of refundable risk capital is allocated to the trader’s new membership, and the trader enters the program at the Apprentice 4 level (see inset table).
- Diamond Level – Traders who purchase the Gold Level membership receive a one year subscription to the First Hour Trading Pit, a one year subscription to Adrian Manz’ Daily Income Trader Trading Plan, Opening Gap trading course, Adrian Manz’ One Hour Trader course, full online access to Adrian Manz’ Income Trading Academy, and a seat at any of Adrian Manz’ Income Trading Boot Camps. A $500 setup fee for the corporate account is charged by the administrator of the account. $9,500 of refundable risk capital is allocated to the trader’s new membership, and the trader enters the program at the Apprentice 4 level (see inset table).
How to Increase Buying Power
All Funded Traders start at Trader Level 4 on the Trader Progression Chart. This level has the same risk parameters, buying power, and profit target as the Simulated Challenge. As a trader reaches the profit target at each level, the trader can ask to move to the next level on the Progression Chart. If a trader exceeds any of the risk parameters at a certain level, then the trader will drop down one level. If this occurs at Trader Level 4, then the trader will have to enter the Simulated Challenge and test for an opportunity to become a Funded Trader.