by Tim Biggam | Oct 7, 2019 | Biggam Options Volatility Edge
American Airlines (AAL) has seen big time repeat call buying in the Nov $25 calls. 4,500 contracts traded Friday and nearly 5,000 more today. IV still remains low, so let’s follow along with the big call buyer with a call diagonal spread. AAL stock looks to be... by Tim Biggam | Sep 25, 2019 | Biggam Options Volatility Edge
Amazon has turned sharply higher after being lower earlier. Let’s grab one day gains on HALF and leave HALF open for bigger gains. PARTIAL CLOSE OUT Buy to close HALF of the AMZN 10/4/2019 $1755 calls and Sell to close HALF of the AMZN 10/4/2019 $1750... by Tim Biggam | Sep 11, 2019 | Biggam Options Volatility Edge
BSX is up again this morning, so let’s grab a nice one day gain and move on. CLOSE OUT Sell to close BSX Oct $40 calls @ $2.3 by Tim Biggam | Sep 10, 2019 | Biggam Options Volatility Edge
Boston Scientific (BSX) appears to have finally found its footing after a big time sell off. Seeing huge unusual call buying in the September $41 calls with over 8,000 trading versus only 163 open interest. Let’s follow along but go out to October and one strike... by Tim Biggam | Sep 5, 2019 | Biggam Options Volatility Edge
YPF is rallying again today, so let’s grab a nice two day gain and move on. This market can reverse swiftly. CLOSE OUT Sell to close YPF Novemebr $9 calls @ 1.25